Consider Using A Security Guard When You Want To Deter Retail Theft And Increase Security In Your Shop
Retail theft is a serious problem. Shoplifters can steal from you, and so can your employees or contractors. You'll want measures in place to protect your store from theft, and security guards are an option to consider. Here's how security guards help control theft and increase safety in your store.
Guards Can Be Discreet Or Obvious
First, decide on whether you want uniformed guards. Uniformed guards help deter crime just by their presence. However, if you think uniformed guards might not be best for the type of shop and clientele you have, then you can work with plain-clothes guards who blend in with other shoppers and are not obvious. If you're trying to watch and catch thieves in action, then an anonymous guard might be best since they can get close to a suspect without arousing suspicion.
Guards Can Handle Problems With Shoppers
While protecting against theft is an important part of the security guard's job, they can also perform other duties such as calm disputes or handle unruly shoppers. This protects your employees since your employees won't have to approach a thief or troublemaker. Instead, a guard who has been trained to deal with these situations can bring the matter under control or call local police for help as soon as it's needed.
Security Guards Can Patrol At Night Too
If the crime rate is getting worse in your area, your main fear may be break-ins after dark. You might want security guards 24-hours a day or just at night when your shop is closed. The guards can patrol the grounds or watch the grounds and your shop on videos from surveillance cameras. Having a marked patrol car in your lot after dark could be enough to keep criminals off your property.
Guards Make Your Employees And Shoppers Feel Safe
If there's been a recent incident involving crime at a nearby shop, hiring a security guard for the short-term can put your employees at ease and make your shoppers feel safer in your store. Having a guard present shows your employees and shoppers you care about their safety and that can promote goodwill.
You don't have to hire a security guard yourself. Instead, you can work with an agency that supplies the guards you need when you want them. You can request a security guard full-time or part-time and for the long-term or short-term. You can also choose the type of guard you want including armed, unarmed, uniformed, plain-clothed, patrol, and video-surveillance guards so you get the type of protection you need.
For more information, contact a company like GS1group, Inc today.