If you are a business owner, the biggest concerns you likely have about your business are safety and security. No matter how good a neighborhood you think your business may be in, having good security is always important. Before you make any final decisions regarding the security measures you are going to take for your business, get to know some of the signs your business may be in need of security patrol services. Read More»
Large public events that have a lot of people in attendance can benefit significantly from having a security patrol and security officers that are extremely visible around the event venue. Many times, having a large security presence is exceptionally useful in deterring problems, and hiring security does not have to be difficult if you know what you need at your event.
Where to Get Security Officers
When you are ready to start hiring security officers for an event, you could hire people directly, but screening them and dealing with the liability insurance that you would need can be a lot to worry about. Read More»
A fire alarm is an important safety tool for any business. It is vitally important to have a working fire alarm in your business. A working fire system will help keep your employees and your customers safe, which is why you should have your entire firm alarm detection system tested at least once a year by a professional who understands how business fire alarm protection systems work.
Smart Reason #1: You Are Legally Required to Take Care of Your Fire Alarm System Read More»
When you run a business, you have to be careful about what information gets out. If you work in a business field where you are trying to protect the information, you need to have a technical surveillance countermeasure (TSCM) service to help keep all of your information safe and secure from outside spies who want to take your business information and use it to their own advantage.
When it comes to TSCM services, there are three different kinds of security that are provided. Read More»
Retail theft is a serious problem. Shoplifters can steal from you, and so can your employees or contractors. You’ll want measures in place to protect your store from theft, and security guards are an option to consider. Here’s how security guards help control theft and increase safety in your store.
Guards Can Be Discreet Or Obvious
First, decide on whether you want uniformed guards. Uniformed guards help deter crime just by their presence. Read More»